Collecting Evidence for Your Auto Accident Attorney

If you are ever involved in an automobile accident, it is a good idea to know ahead of time how to proceed. The best thing you can do for yourself, in this type of situation, is to gather as much evidence as possible. Down the road, if you find that you must hire an auto accident attorney, this evidence, or lack thereof, can help make or break your case, so start learning here,

There are several types of evidence that can help you explain and prove your claim to an auto accident attorney.

1. Photographs: Just about everyone has a camera phone these days. After the accident occurs, before you move your vehicles, try to snap as many pictures of the scene, as possible. Take photographs of both vehicles, any skid marks left on the road and any other damaged property that resulted from the collision. Get pictures at different angles. Even if you think it is overkill by taking all of these pictures, keep on snapping them because you never know what you might be capturing, in one of them, that will help you in the future.

2. Witnesses: Were there any witnesses at the scene? If so, do not let them simply walk or drive away before you ask for their names and phone numbers. In the future, if you do need to hire a blog attorney, he might want to contact these witnesses to hear their accounts of the accident. Also, if you overhear the witnesses discussing your accident, while still at the scene, try to take note of what is said, even if it was not said directly to you.

3. Written Account: Besides jotting down the other driver's insurance information, write down all the details of the accident, as soon as possible. If you do not have a pen and paper, text message the information to yourself or even call your voice mail and leave a verbal message of the information that you can transcribe later. You would be amazed by how easy it is to forget important details after an accident, especially if you wait several hours before notating any of them. Try to gather and write as many details, both large and small, while you are still at the scene.

You can never have too many pieces of evidence. Even if you think you have collected too much, your Utah car accident attorney can decipher everything to find the key pieces of evidence that will help you prove your claim.